Is there a bet missing for Geelong to win? the number don’t work out for me :/
Nikhil VictorPostedJuly 12, 201811:21 am
25 stake on crownbet not 50**
Liamjackson80PostedJuly 12, 201811:42 am
Do u account for the draw? I know some bookies do and some don’t
Nikhil VictorPostedJuly 12, 201812:16 pm
Different agencies have different terms when a draw occurs. Some payout half the profits, some give money back etc… its not something we worry about because it generally results in big profits. But you have to read each agencies terms & conditions to know exactly how they play out a draw.
Liamjackson80PostedJuly 13, 20182:09 pm
Ok cheers. Just wasn’t sure if the betting agencies that offered draws would pay out. Ta
stickmanPostedJuly 12, 20188:53 pm
The neds hasn’t paid for me was I spose to put it on thru a promo ?
Is there a bet missing for Geelong to win? the number don’t work out for me :/
25 stake on crownbet not 50**
Do u account for the draw? I know some bookies do and some don’t
Different agencies have different terms when a draw occurs. Some payout half the profits, some give money back etc… its not something we worry about because it generally results in big profits. But you have to read each agencies terms & conditions to know exactly how they play out a draw.
Ok cheers. Just wasn’t sure if the betting agencies that offered draws would pay out. Ta
The neds hasn’t paid for me was I spose to put it on thru a promo ?
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